Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 2013 Tune-up trip report

This file was too large for the post with the picture quality I was looking for so I made a PDF to make it a bit more readable, I apologize for all the jumping around.  While I'm sure there's a better way, I'm a 35 year old construction worker who backpacks for a hobby, I'm pretty impressed I got this far.

The link will take you to a web preview with pretty fuzzy, but viewable prints.  I suggest clicking on the dropdown menu under file and downloading the PDF.  Once you open the PDF you'll be able to read it in all it's digital glory.

Fair warning though, it's almost as long as the trail that inspired it.  Read on-

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tune up time

Heading out for Springer for my tune up trip, 24 pounds, loaded up for 8 days.  Had to run a mile to catch the train.  Two pints of beer for the train ride and a greyhound will take me to Atlanta from Chicago.